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TPO阅读精讲精读 文章目录


1. 由于站内搜索不好用,不得已编辑了一个目录,方便大家更快的找到相应文章。

2. 文章全部选自新托福iBT阅读文章,其中OG13篇+TPO67篇,共80篇阅读文章,是非常宝贵的资料。(文章篇数算错,待更正;文章目录顺序待更正)。

3. 每篇内容包含我个人总结的阅读笔记标注,逻辑结构分析,及思维导图等内容,仅供在线学习参考用,请勿进行复制粘贴到其他网站。(此部分会一直更新,第一轮更新会在2016年第四季度完成)。

4. 如果你发现问题或有好的意见建议,可以通过以下方式联系我。

1. The Allende Meteorite

2. The Birth of Photography

3. Spartina

4. Autobiographical Memory

5. The Origins of Agriculture

6. Geothermal Energy

7. Fossil Preservation

8. Early Settlements in the Southwest Asia

9. Westward Migration

10. Discovering the Ice Ages

11. Succession, Climax, and Ecosystems

12. The Roman Army's Impact on Britain

13. Lightning

14. The mystery of yawning

15. Industrialization in the Netherlands and Scandinav

16. Symbiotic Relationships

17. Animal Signals in the Rain Forest

18. Europe's Early Sea Trade with Asia

19. Planets in Our Solar System

20. Development of the Periodic Table

21. Trade and the Ancient Middle East

22. Glacier Formation

23. Mass Extinctions

24. A Warm-Blooded Turtle

25. Pastoralism in Ancient Inner Eurasia

26. Maya Water Problems

27. Children and Advertising

28. Methods of Studying Infant Perception

29. Biological Clocks

30. Types of Social Groups

31. Water in the Desert

32. Transition to Sound in Film

33. Which Hand Did They Use?

34. Begging by Nestlings

35. Orientation and Navigation

36. Ancient Egyptian Sculpture

37. Seventeenth-Century European Economic Growth

38. Variations in the Climate

39. Chinese Pottery

40. Green Icebergs

41. Loie Fuller

42. Feeding Habits of East African Herbivores

43. The Arrival of Plant Life in Hawaii

44. Reflection in Teaching

45. Colonizing the Americas via the Northwest Coast

46. Running Water on Mars

47. Extinction of the Dinosaurs

48. The Rise of Teotihuacán

49. Agriculture, Iron, and the Bantu Peoples

50. Ancient Rome and Greece

51. The Geologic History of the Mediterranean

52. Infantile Amnesia

53. William Smith

54. Powering the Industrial Revolution

55. The Cambrian Explosion

56. The Origin of the Pecific Island People

57. Minerals and Plants

58. Meteorite Impact and Dinosaur Extinction

59. Petroleum Resources

60. Cave Art in Europe

61. Deer Populations of the Puget Sound

62. Electricity from Wind

63. Lascaux Cave Paintings

64. Opportunists and Competitors

65. The Long-Term Stability of Ecosystems                                       

66. Depletion of the Ogallala Aquifer

67. Architecture

68. Timberline Vegetation on Mountains

69. The Origins of Theater

70. Groundwater

71. Geology and Landscape

72. The Expression of Emotions

73. Nineteenth-Century Politics in the United States

74. Swimming Machines

75. Artisans and Industrialization

76. Aggression

77. Early Cinema

78. Desert Formation

79. The Origins of Cetaceans

80. Applied Arts and Fine Arts



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